COMMISSIONS WATCH 17 November 2023 - ZHRC Statement on the Political Violence and Human Rights Violations in the Country

Yesterday, the 16th of November 2023, the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) released a statement on the political and human rights violations in the country. This statement has been issued on the heels of numerous reports of violence from the public and the media  as well as the Zimbabwe Republic Police. 

The statement by the ZHRC reads as follows:

The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) is the National Human Rights Institution in Zimbabwe with a constitutional mandate of protecting, promoting and enforcing fundamental human rights, freedoms and administrative justice. It is an Independent Commission established in terms of Sections 232(b) and 242 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe of 2013. One of the functions of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission is to protect citizens from violations of human rights and administrative justice. 

The ZHRC is concerned by media reports of political violence and human rights violations, particularly in some wards and constituencies where there are upcoming by-elections. The Commission is investigating these allegations of political violence and human rights violations. Meanwhile the Commission is reminding the perpetrators of political violence that in terms of section 67 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe citizens have the right to political choices and participation. This includes the right to vote freely and without fear and encompasses the principles of freedom of expression, assembly, and association. By upholding these rights, a society can foster an environment that encourages political participation, inclusivity, and the fair representation of diverse voices. The Commission therefore encourages the citizens to be tolerant and observe human rights and the sanctity of life.

The Commission would like to take this opportunity to remind the various duty bearers and stakeholders including. political parties. contesting candidates law enforcement agents, media practitioners and traditional leaders, among others, of their constitutional obligations and responsibilities in protecting and fulfilling fundamental human rights and freedoms.

Issued by the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission 

Date 16 November 2023 


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