The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC/Commission) hereby presents its Annual Report for the year 2023. This becomes its 14th Annual Report since its establishment. The report is submitted in terms of section 323 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe (2013), which directs Commissions to submit annual reports to Parliament. ZHRC commits itself to continue delivering on its mandate towards the promotion and protection of human rights and administrative justice. To enhance access to its services, the Commission has embarked on the decentralization of its offices in line with the Devolution and Decentralisation Policy of 2020, Vision 2030 and the National Development Strategy (NDS1). Accordingly, the Commission has to date established six provincial offices in Harare, Bulawayo, Masvingo, Manicaland, Matabeleland North, and Mashonaland West Provinces and should have established offices in all provinces by the end of 2025. Decentralisation is backed by phased recruitment of staff which has seen the staff compliment of the Commission increase from eighty-three (83) to one hundred and thirty-eight (138) and is expected to increase to two hundred and forty-seven (247) by 2025. 



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