Parliamentary Committees Series 17-2024 - Public Hearings 17-18 June



[17th June 2024]

Open Meetings– Monday and Tuesday This Week

There are six open Portfolio Committee meetings scheduled for today and tomorrow as listed below.  “Open” means that a meeting will be open to attendance by members of the public, but as observers only.  Members of the public wishing to attend an open meeting are reminded that IDs will be required to gain entry to the New Parliament Building.

Monday 17th June at 10 am

Joint Portfolio Committees on Defence, Home Affairs, Security Services and War Veterans Affairs

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage and the Registrar-General on the state of affairs regarding the statelessness of migrants in Zimbabwe.

Venue:  Committee Room 2, First Floor, New Parliament Building.

Monday 17th June at 10 am

Portfolio Committee:  Public Accounts Committee

Oral evidence from Air Zimbabwe and AFC Leasing Company on their audited financial statements in the Auditor-General’s Report for State-Owned Enterprises and Parastatals for the year ended December 31 2022.

Venue: Committee Room 15, Third Floor, New Parliament Building

Monday 17th June at 11 am

Portfolio Committee: Youth Empowerment, Development and Vocational Training

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Development and Vocational Training on the existing syllabus and infrastructure for Vocational Training Colleges.

Venue: Committee Room 7, Second Floor, New Parliament Building

Monday 17th June at 2 pm

Portfolio Committee: Women Affairs, Community and SMEs Development

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community and SMEs Development on the impact of gender based violence and strategies to curb its prevalence and challenges faced.

Venue: Committee Room 2, First Floor, New Parliament Building

Tuesday 18th June at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Industry and Commerce

Oral evidence from the Cross-Border Traders Association, Zimbabwe Indigenous Freight Forwarders Association and Shipping and Forwarding Association of Zimbabwe on challenges faced on the ease of doing business at the country’s borders.

Venue: Committee Room 7, Second Floor, New Parliament Building

Tuesday 18th June at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Local Government, Public Works and National Housing

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works on five petitions from the following petitioners: the Coalition for Market Liberal Solutions (COMALISO), ACTIVISTA Zimbabwe, the Combined Harare Residents Association and residents from the Hwange Concession Area.

Venue: Committee Room 13, Third Floor, New Parliament Building

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