BILL WATCH 21/2024
[18th June 2024]
Coming up in National Assembly This Week
[The Senate will not be sitting]
Coming up in the National Assembly This Week
Bills on the National Assembly Order Paper
There are three Bills set down on the Order Paper to be dealt with this week:
· Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment Bill [link]
The Bill is due to undergo its Second Reading. As noted in Bill Watch 20/2024 [link], amendments to this Bill are likely to be proposed at the Committee Stage.
· Administration of Estates Amendment Bill [link]
This Bill will undergo its Committee Stage. Extensive amendments to it have been proposed.
· Abolition of the Death Penalty Bill [link]
The Second Reading of this Bill is due to resume.
Bills with Parliamentary Legal Committee [PLC]
The following Bills are being considered by the PLC:
· Persons with Disabilities Bill [link]
· Parks and Wild Life Amendment Bill [link]
If the PLC gives the Bills non-adverse reports – i.e. if the Committee reports that they are consistent with the Constitution – they will proceed to their Second Reading.
· Criminal Laws Amendment (Protection of Children and Young Persons) Bill – amendments made during committee stage are being considered.
If the PLC gives the amendments to this Bill a non-adverse report the Bill will proceed to its final reading.
The Assembly is also still to debate the PLC’s adverse report on several local authority by-laws (for improperly prescribed penalties).
Annual reports of constitutional bodies
The Assembly is expected to continue debate on the annual reports of the following bodies:
· The Judicial Service Commission [JSC]
· The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission [ZEC]
· The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission [ZHRC] and
· The National Prosecuting Authority [NPA].
Motions on the National Assembly order paper
Among the motions set to be debated by the Assembly are the following:
· To establish a national electronic cadastre system for mining and land grants
· To promote the teaching of more of Zimbabwe’s national languages in schools
· Measures to improve public transport
· To establish a compensation fund for victims of copyright piracy
· Measures to protect investors and depositors against poor governance of financial institutions
Questions set down for answer
Among questions set down for Ministers to answer on Wednesday are questions on the following issues:
· Implementation of the BEAM education programme and reimbursement of parents who have had to pay fees for beneficiaries of the programme
· The situation at the Tongogara Refugee Camp
· A database of persons with disabilities
· Ratification of the SADC Protocol on Rights of People Living with Disabilities
· Re-engagement with the US Government
· Illegal mining operations in the National University of Science and Technology
· Protection of wetlands
· Measures to deal with water shortages in Bulawayo
· Measures to combat food shortages
· Schools for children with autism and other special needs
The Senate
The Senate has adjourned until the 25th June, so will not be sitting this week.