Our Director of Ceremonies, Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, Hon. K. Kazembe;

The First Lady, Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa;

Vice President, Hon. Gen. (Rtd.) Dr. C. G. D. N. Chiwenga;

Vice President, Hon. Col. (Rtd.) Cde. K. C. D. Mohadi;

Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Adv. J. F. N. Mudenda;

President of the Senate, Hon. M. M. Chinomona;

The Chief Justice, Hon. L. Malaba;

Honourable Ministers;

Families of Heroes and Heroines of the Zimbabwe Liberation Struggle;

War Veterans, War Collaborators, Ex-Detainees and Restrictees;

Your Worship the Mayor of Harare, Councillor J. Mafume;

Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr. M. Rushwaya;

Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Dr. V. Hungwe;

Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces, General P. V. Sibanda;

Service Chiefs;

Your Excellencies, Members of the Diplomatic Corps;

Esteemed Traditional Leaders;

Fellow Zimbabweans, including our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora;

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Comrades and Friends.


It is my great honour and privilege to address you all at these 44th Heroes Day Commemorations. Today, we are joining hands in remembering our gallant fighters who paid the supreme sacrifice to free our beautiful motherland from the grip of colonial domination and subjugation.

Their extraordinary courage and the risks they took so that we are Independent will always be remembered. For, it was they who helped shape our nation.

Even in the midst of neo-colonial machinations and illegal sanctions imposed on us, let us honour our heroes with a promise that their sacrifices will serve as our light and inspiration. We vow to resolutely protect the integrity of our Independence and the interests of our nation against those who wish us to fail. 




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