Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion Budget - Report on Midterm Fiscal Policy Review


Subject to these Standing Orders, Portfolio Committees must- 

  1.  examine expenditure administration and policy of government departments and other matters falling under their jurisdictions as Parliament may, by resolution determine; 
  2.  consider and deal with all Bills other than the Constitutional Bill and Statutory Instruments or other matters which are referred to them by or under a resolution of the House or by the Speaker; 
  3.  consider or deal with an Appropriation of Money Bill or any aspect of an Appropriation or Money Bill referred to them by these Standing Orders or by resolution of the House; 
  4.  monitor, investigate, enquire into and make recommendations relating to any aspect of the legislative programme, budget, policy or any other matter it may consider relevant to the government department falling within the category of affairs assigned to them, and may for that purpose consult and liaise with such a department; and 
  5.  consider or deal with all international treaties, conventions and agreements relevant to them, which are from time to time negotiated, entered into or agreed upon. 

