Parliamentary Committees Series 24-2024 - [Portfolio and Thematic Committees meetings for week ending 26 September]



[21st September 2024]

Open Meetings Next Week

There are only two open Portfolio and Thematic Committee meetings scheduled for next week.  Details are given below.

“Open” means that the meetings will be open to attendance by members of the public, but as observers only.  Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting in the New Parliament Building will need to produce their IDs to gain entry to the Building.

Monday 23rd September at 2 pm

Portfolio Committees on Media, Information and Broadcasting Services

Oral evidence from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe and the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion on the legacy debts of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation and procurement in the media sector

Venue:  Committee Room 12, Third Floor, New Parliament Building.

Monday 23rd September at 2 p.m.

Thematic Committee on HIV/AIDS

Oral evidence from the National AIDS Council and the Katswe Sisterhood on access by sex workers to HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health Education services.

Venue:  Committee Room 4, First Floor, New Parliament Building.

Fact-Finding Visit : 22nd to 26th September

The Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works and National Housing and the Thematic Committee on SDGs will be visiting Bulawayo to investigate the state of affairs in the city’s water supply.

The joint committee will meet stakeholders, namely the City management and councillors, officials of the Ministry of Lands, the Ministry of Local Government and the Office of the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, and representatives of residents’ associations.



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