SI 2014-020 - Assignment of Functions (Minister of Primary and Secondary Education)

Statutory Instrument 20 of 2014.



Assignment of Functions (Minister of Primary and Secondary Education) Notice, 2014


IT is hereby notified that His Excellency the President, in terms of section 104(1) of the Constitution, as read with section 37(2) of the Interpretation Act [Chapter 1:01], has assigned to the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education—

(a) the administration of the Acts set out in the Schedule and;

(b) the functions conferred or imposed on the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, save to the extent that those functions have not been assigned to some other Minister.



ACTS ASSIGNED TO THE MINISTER OF Primary and Secondary Education

Education Act[Chapter 25:04]

Harare City Library Act [Chapter 25:05]

Masonic Education Fund Incorporation Act [Chapter 17:03]

National Library and Documentation Service Act [Chapter 25:10]

Zimbabwe Schools Examinations Council Act [ Chapter 25:18]



This statutory instrument was published as a supplement to the
Zimbabwean Government Gazette dated 7th February 2014.


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