Statutory Instrument 26 of 2014.
Assignment of Functions (Minister of Home Affairs) Notice, 2014
IT is hereby notified that His Excellency the President, in terms of section 104(1) of the Constitution, as read with section 37(2) of the Interpretation Act [Chapter 1:01], has assigned to the Minister of Home Affairs —
(a) the administration of the Acts set out in the Schedule and;
(b) the functions conferred or imposed on the Minister of Home Affairs, save to the extent that those functions have not been assigned to some other Minister.
The Assignment of Functions (Minister of Home Affairs) Notice, 2010, published in Statutory Instrument 37 of 2010, is repealed.
Advertisement Regulations Act [Chapter 14:01] |
Anti Corruption Commission Act [ Chapter 9:22] (Act No. 13 of 2004) |
Betting and Totalizator Control Act [Chapter 10:02] |
Births and Death Registration Act [Chapter 5:02] |
Burial and Cremation Act [Chapter 5:03] |
Censorship and Entertainment Control Act [Chapter 10:04] |
Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 4:01] |
Constitution of Zimbabwe, section 93 (1) [1] |
Copper Control Act [Chapter 14:06] |
Emergency Powers Act [Chapter 11:04] [2] |
Extradition Act [Chapter 9:08] |
Extradition of Offenders Act (Republic of South Africa) [Act No. 61 of 1974] |
Firearms Act [Chapter 10:09] |
Foreign Subversive Organisations Act [Chapter 11:05] |
Suppression of Foreign and International Terrorism [Chapter 11:21] (Act No. 5 of 2007) |
Harmful Liquids Act [Chapter 9:10] |
Immigration Act [Chapter 4:02] |
Justice of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act [Chapter 7:09] |
Lotteries and Gaming Act [Chapter 10:26] (Act No. 26 of 1998) |
Lotteries Prohibition Act [Chapter 9:14] |
National Anthem of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 10:15] |
National Archives of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 25:06] |
National Heroes Dependants (Assistance) Act [Chapter 10:16] [3] |
National Museums and Monuments [Chapter 25:11] |
National Registration Act [Chapter 10:17] |
Official Secrets Act [Chapter 11:09] |
Pawnbrokers Act [Chapter 14:15] |
Police Act [Chapter 11:10] |
Pools Control Act [Chapter 10:19] |
Preservation of Constitutional Government Act [Chapter 11:11] |
Prevention of Corruption Act [Chapter 9:16] |
Printed Publications Act [Chapter 25:14] |
Private Investigators and Security Guards (Control) Act [Chapter 27:10] |
Protected Places and Areas Act [Chapter 11:12] |
Public Holidays and Prohibition of Business Act [Chapter 10:12] |
Public Order and Security Act [Chapter 11:17] (Act No. 1 of 2002) |
Second-hand Goods Act [Chapter 14:16] |
Stock Theft Prevention Act [Chapter 9:18] |
Unlawful Organisations Act [Chapter 11:13] |
Vagrancy Act [Chapter 10:25] |
Witchcraft Suppression Act [Chapter 9:19] |
This statutory instrument was published as a supplement to the
Zimbabwean Government Gazette dated 7th February 2014.
[1] Note by Veritas. Section 93(1) allows an aggrieved candidate to challenge the validity of a Presidential election. Note that the Constitution as a whole has been assigned to the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.
[2] Note by Veritas. But this Act has also been assigned, without explanation or qualification, to the Office of the President and Cabinet. See SI 19/2014.
[3] Note by Veritas. Also assigned, without explanation or qualification, to the Minister of Defence. See SI 33/2014.