Parliamentary Committee Reports

SC 2015-03 - Special Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health on Putting Tuberculosis on the Political Agenda

1.1 Members of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care together with the Thematic Committee on HIV I AIDS attended a two-day Workshop organized by the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) in conjunction with the World Health Organisation at the Kadoma Ranch Motel from 31 July to 1 August 2015 .The Workshop was held under the theme: -Putting Tuberculosis (T.B) on the Political Agenda. Members at the workshop also visited Kadoma General Hospital to appreciate the operations of the hospital.

Adverse Report on Section 121(3) of CPEA Amendment Bill

In pursuit of its constitutional mandate as provided in section 152(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Parliamentary Legal Committee met on the 20th of October 2015 at 1000hrs to consider the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Amendment Bill [H.B. 2B, 2015]. After deliberations the Committee resolved that an adverse report be issued in respect of clause 30 of the Bill amending section 121 of CAP 9:07.

Parliamentary Committee Report on Criminal Procedure & Evidence Amendment Bill


That the Committee consists of the following;

Hon. Majome, Hon. Chipanga, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Kachepa,  Hon. Kagonye, Hon. Madondo, Hon. Mashange, Hon. Mashayamombe, Hon. Matangira, Hon. Mawere – Mubvumbi, Hon. Mguni, Hon. Mutematsaka, Hon. Mtingwende, Hon Ndlovu D.M., Hon. Nkatazo, Hon. Shumba, Hon. Zindi,.

Hon. Majome to be Chairperson


PLC Adverse Report on Statutory Instrument 2015-77

In pursuit of its Constitutional mandate as provided for in Section 152 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Parliamentary Legal Committee on the 14th of August 2015 at 1100hrs to consider amongst others, statutory instruments gazetted during the month of July 2015. After deliberations, the Committee unanimously resolved that an adverse report be issued in respect of Statutory Instrument 77 of 2015.

SC 2015-12 - Thematic Committee on HIV & AIDS on the ART Roll Out Programme in Some Health Institutions in Harare

The Zimbabwean Government declared HIV and AIDS a national disaster in 2002, this required the government to deal with it as a high priority in terms of funding and management. The government implemented a policy of widespread information dissemination on HIV and AIDS, behavioural change and abstinence.

SC 2015-08 - Report of The Thematic Committee on Indigenisation and Empowerment on the Operations of the Community Share Ownership Trusts & Employee Share Ownership Schemes

1.1 Under indigenisation and empowerment, government focuses on broad based economic empowerment to ensure the majority of Zimbabweans are integrated into the main stream economy and that they become drivers and beneficiaries of the economic activities in the country.
1.2 Some of the vehicles that are being used to achieve broad based economic empowerment are:

SC 2015-10 - Report of The Thematic Committee on Human Rights - The State of the Justice Delivery System in Zim

1.1 As part of its oversight role, the Thematic Committee on Human Rights conducted an inquiry into the state of the justice delivery system in Zimbabwe to better understand the policy and legislative framework that governs its operations, and to provide concrete recommendations to improve the situation.
1.2 The inquiry was undertaken in the context that a fully functioning and effective justice delivery sector is the foundation for the rule of law in Zimbabwe.

SC 2015-02 - Report of The Portfolio Committee on Health & Child Care on State of Affairs of the Health Delivery System in Zim

As part of its oversight role overthe Ministry of Health and Child Care, the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care resolved to enquire into the state of affairs of the health delivery system in Zimbabwe. The public outcry over poor health services and lack of access to the same led to the Cornmittee's decision to conduct an inquiry into the management of the five central hospitals as a way of ensuring that the health provision as enshrined in the constitution is upheld.

SC 2015-09 - The Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport, Arts & Culture on the State of Sport in Zimbabwe

1.1 The Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport, Arts and Culture resolved to conduct an enquiry into the state of Sport in Zimbabwe. The enquiry was motivated by the Committee's
commitment to see the grovvLh of sport and also its development particularly for the ordinary Zimbabwean. The committee held oral evidence sessions with the Sport and Recreation
Commission (SRC), Ministry of Sport, Arts and Culture, Zimbabwe Rugby, Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA), Zimbabwe Cricket Union (ZC) and Premier Soccer League (PSL).
