
Pension and Provident Funds Bill - (1) Minister's 2nd Reading Speech and (2) Portfolio Committee Report


On Tuesday 11th May 2021the Second Reading Stage of this Bill eventually started in the National Assembly. Before adjourning, MPs heard:

(1)  the Second Reading Speech by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development [first document downloadable below]

(2)  the report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development on the Bill [second document downloadable below].

Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 2) Bill: Proposed Committee Stage Amendments

The Bill was given its Second Reading on Wednesday 14th April 2021 in the National Assembly.

The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs then gave notice of amendments that he would be moving during the Committee Stage.  The downloadable document below is the Minister’s Notice of  Amendment setting out the text of his proposed amendments.

Marriages Bill – Minister’s Proposed Amendments for Senate Committee Stage

The Marriages Bill is on the Senate’s Order Paper for Wednesday 24 March 2021.  Although the Senate has not yet given the Bill its Second Reading, the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Bill has a Notice of Amendments on the Order Paper for the next stage of the Bill, which will be the Committee Stage. 


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