constitutional court

Chironga Anor v Minister of Justice Legal Parliamentary Affairs (CCZ 14 of 2020) 2020 ZWCC 14 (23 September 2020) Case on Section 210 of the Constitution Judgment

HLATSHWA YO JCC: One of the crucial elements of the new constitutional dispension ushered in by the 2013 Constitution is to make a decisive break from turning a blind eye to constitutional obligations. To achieve this goal, the drafters of the Zimbabwean Constitution Amendment (No.20) Act, 2013 ("the Constitution") adopted the rule of law and supremacy of the Constitution as some of the core founding values and principles of our ·constitutional democracy.

CCZ 3/22 Diana E. Kawenda V Minister of Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and Others (Age of Consent Judgement)

The full judgment of the Constitutional Court in this case is the document downloadable below.  The unanimous decision of the Constitutional Court was to allow the appeal against the judgment of Tagu J in the High Court, which is also available on this website here.

CCZ 2020-13 Mpofu v ZERA & 2 Others

HLATSHWA YO JCC: This is a court application made in terms of s 85 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe (No. 20) Act, 2013 ('the Constitution'), which section provides for direct access to this Court in the pursuance of the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms as enshrined in Chapter 4 of the Constitution, and also, alternatively, direct access ostensibly motivated pursuant to s 167(5) of the Constitution.


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