High Court

GN 2022-0417 Appointment of Judges of the High Court to be Judges of the Electoral Court Division of the High Court

IT is hereby notified that the Chief Justice has, in terms of section 162(1) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission and the Judge President of the High Court, appointed the Judges of the High Court listed in the Schedule below to be Judges of the Electoral Court Division of the High Court for the period 1st of March, 2022 to 30th of August, 2022.

Judicial Service Commission - Nomination Form for Judicial Appointments (High Court)

On 17th June 2021 the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) advertised nine vacancies on the High Court and called for nominations from members of the public of suitably qualified persons to fill these vacancies.  This was in compliance with section 180(4) of the Constitution.  THE OFFICIAL JSC NOMINATION FORM - DOWNLOADABLE BELOW - MUST BE USED FOR EACH NOMINATION. 

COURT WATCH 8/2021 - High Court decides Chief Justice Malaba Has Retired


[17th May 2021]

High Court Decides Chief Justice Malaba Has Retired

After a hearing on the 14th May that went on into the early hours of the next morning, the High Court delivered a judgment on the 15th May declaring that Chief Justice Malaba had retired from the Bench on reaching his 70th birthday that day – in other words, that he was no longer Chief Justice of Zimbabwe or even a judge.

HC 2021-45 Respondents Notice of Opposition in MISA & Anor v Ministers of Health and Information


TAKE NOTICE THAT the respondents intends to oppose the Urgent Chamber Application on the grounds set out in the affidavits annexed to this notice, and that their address for service is specified below.

DATED at HARARE this day of January 2021.

Note from Veritas

SI 2020-249 High Court (Commercial Division) (Amendment) Rules, 2020 (No. 1)

IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has, in terms of section 56 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06], approved the following rules of court made by the Chief Justice, to regulate the proceedings of the Commercial Division of the High Court:—
1. These rules may be cited as the High Court (Commercial Division) (Amendment) Rules, 2020 (No. 1).


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