Beitbridge Rural District Council

SI 2023-185 Beitbridge Rural District Council (Environmental and Natural)

IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Local Government,
Rural and Urban Development has, in terms of section 90 of the
Rural District Councils Act [Chapter 29:13], approved the following
by-laws made by the Beitbridge Rural District Council:—
1. These by-laws may be cited as the Beitbridge Rural District
Council Environmental and Natural Resources Conservation By-laws,
2. These by-laws shall apply to the Beitbridge Rural District
Council area.
3. In these by-laws—

SI 2023-184 Beitbridge Rural District Council (Advertising) By-laws,

IT is hereby notified that the Minister responsible for Local
Government and Public Works has, in terms of section 90 of the
Rural District Councils Act [Chapter 29:13], approved the following
by-laws made by Beitbridge Rural District Council:—
1. These by-laws may be cited as Beitbridge Rural District
Council (Advertising) By-laws, 2023.
2. In these by-laws—
“advertisement” means any poster, banner, placard, bill
board, notice or device employed for the purpose of
advertising on or off the wall;

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