election watch

Election Watch 31 - 2018 - Postal Voting


16th July 2018

Postal Voting

Reports of police officers in Bulawayo casting postal votes under the watchful eyes of their superior officers have raised questions about the postal voting system.  In this Election Watch we shall explain how the system is supposed to work.  We shall also explain that there are differences between how postal voting is done in this election and how it used to be done.

Election Watch 29-2018 - ZEC Gazettes Errors & Omissions in List of Nominated Candidates


9th July 2018

Correction of Omissions and Errors in ZEC’s First Lists of Nominated Candidates

The Acting Chief Elections Officer of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission [ZEC] has published two General Notices [GNs] correcting omissions from and errors in the lists gazetted on 22nd June in GNs 411 and 412.  The effect of these corrections is summarised below.

Election Watch 25-2018 - To Put the Record Straight


25th June 2018

To Put the Record Straight

There have been several news articles misrepresenting Veritas.  Whether they have criticised or congratulated Veritas for taking cases on election matters, the implication has been that we are doing it for political reasons or to hamper ZEC’s ability to run elections.

Election Watch 23-2018 Veritas Court Case against Restrictions on Voter Education


16th June 2018


Two Veritas Court Cases on Elections to be Heard on Monday 18th June

in High Court, Harare

This coming Monday, 18th June, the High Court in Harare is due to hear two cases brought by Veritas to improve the conduct of the coming general election.  

Election Watch 17-2018 - General Election Proclaimed


[30th May 2018]

General Election Proclaimed

Today, the 30th May 2018, President Mnangagwa gazetted a proclamation setting the dates for the forthcoming general election.  The proclamation can be accessed on the Veritas website [link]

In Proclamation 2 of 2018 (SI 83 of 2018), the President fixed the following dates:

Election Watch 12-2018 - Electoral Amendment Bill Through Senate


[17th May 2018]

Electoral Amendment Bill Through the Senate

No New Amendments

The Bill was transmitted to the Senate from the National Assembly late on Thursday.  As there had been so many amendments made in the National Assembly a new version of the Bill incorporating these amendments was prepared for the Senate [link]


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