
SI 2020-198 Proclamation 4 of 2020

HIS EXCELLENCY THE HONOURABLE EMMERSON DAMBUDZO MNANGAGWA, G.C.Z.M., President of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces of Zimbabwe.
WHEREAS section 187(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013, provides that a judge may be removed from office only for inability to perform the functions of his or her office, due to mental or physical incapacity, gross incompetence or gross misconduct;

SI 2020-151 Proclamation 2 of 2020

DAMBUDZO MNANGAGWA, President of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces of Zimbabwe.
WHEREAS it is provided by section 110(1) of the Constitution that “The President has the powers conferred by this Constitution and by any Act of Parliament or other law”, including the common law relating to the prerogative powers of the Preside

SI 2018-011 Amendment of Proclamation 4 of 2017 - Commission of Inquiry into Sale of Urban State Land - Clarification of Commission's Term of Office

The Commission of Inquiry into the Sale of State Land in and around Urban Areas since 2005 was set up by Presidential Proclamation 4 of 2017 published in Statutory Instrument 102/2017 [link], chaired by Mr Justice Uchena.

SI 2018-159A and SI 2018-168A - First Sitting of Ninth Parliament to be on 11th September

President Mnangagwa has, in terms of section 145 of the Constitution, determined that the first sitting of the Ninth Parliament will take place at Parliament Building, Harare on Tuesday 11th September at 9 a.m.

The President's Proclamation 4/2018, published in Statutory Instrument (SI) 159A/2018, on 29th August and the correction notice that followed in SI 168A/2019, can be downloaded  below [single document containing both SIs]. 


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