Election Reports

Nyanga Post Elections Investigations Report ZHRC Sept 2018

The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC/ Commission) received a complaint involving alleged partisan distribution of Presidential Agricultural Inputs in Nyanga North Constituency Nyanga District in Manicaland Province. This report contains findings of the ZHRC investigation conducted in response to the complaint received.
1.1. The complainant communicated with the ZHRC through the hotline platform to lodge his complaint on alleged partisan distribution of Presidential Inputs.

ZEC 2013 Harmonised Elections Report

The 31st July 2013 Harmonised Elections were held 5 years and 5 months after the 2008 General Elections. As is common cause, the 2008 General Elections gave rise to a presidential run-off election which was held in June 2008. The results of the June presidential runoff election were disputed and the dispute in turn gave rise to a number of distinct but related developments on the political front, notably:-
- The signing of the Global Political Agreement in September 2008;

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