ARTUZ case

ARTUZ v ZANU PF – Judgment of Mafusire J - 28 June 2018

The first respondent is the ruling patty in Zimbabwe. The second respondent is a minister of government in charge of primary and secondary education. He is a member of the first respondent. The matter before me was an urgent chamber application by the applicants for an interdict against the respondents. The first applicant is a trade union of primary and secondary school teachers in rural Zimbabwe. It is duly registered.

ARTUZ v ZANU PF - Appellant's Heads of Argument

The Chief Justice had ordered that Appellant's Heads of Argument had to be in by the 17ili July 2018. Unfortunately, however, Appellant was only availed with the record of proceedings a day later than the date set by the Chief Justice. The written reasons for judgment were availed in the afternoon of the 16th July 2018 after Appellant's Heads of Argument had already been drafted.
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