Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Media Coverage of Elections) Regulations, 2008 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS
Note: These regulations were made under the now-repealed Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Act [Chapter 2:12] and were saved in force by section 44 of Act No. 3 of 2012.
1.1. The Corona virus pandemic has brought about change in the way the business world operates in terms of handling their daily affairs, engagement with its stakeholders and management of resources.
i. The relief sought against the 3'd respondent, as supported by the founding affidavit, cannot be granted considering the existence of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Media Coverage of Elections) Regulations, 2008, (the regulations).
TAKE NOTICE THAT the 5th Respondent herein opposes the Applicants' Application for a Mandatory Interdict and a Declaratory Order served on it on 1 June 2018.
FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the opposing affidavit deposed to by Obert Muganyura will be used in oppos
Media Monitors’ Analysis of Annexure “J” of the 1st Respondent’s Opposing Affidavit in Firinne Trust operating as Veritas & 2 Ors v Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation & 4 Ors HC 230/18
Coverage of political parties on ZTV on the specified dates