General Notices

GN 2019-104 SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES ACT [CHAPTER 1434] Amendment of a Special Economic Zone

IT is hereby notified that, in terms of section 20(2) of the Special Economic Zones Act [Chapter 14:34], the Zimbabwe Special Economic Zones Authority, has amended the Surewin (Private) Limited Special Economic Zone declared under General Notice 660 of 2018, as item 1, gazetted on the 31st of August, 2018.

GN 2019-079 Amendatory Dollar Credit Line Agreement between the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Export Import Bank of India

IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (3) of section 300
of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, that on 22nd November, 2018,
the Republic of Zimbabwe, represented by the Minister of Finance
and Economic Development, concluded an amendatory agreement
to the Dollar Credit Line agreement entered on 21st June, 2013, on
the following terms—

GN 2018/953 and 954 - Cancellation of Registration of Unlicensed Vehicles and Restriction on use of Land & Water Near Airport

GNs 953 and 954

(1) Notice of Intention to Cancel Registration of Vehicles not Licensed or Exempted

(2) Notice of Intention to Issue an Order for Prohibitions and Restrictions on Use of Land and Water in Vicinity of an Aerodrome

GN 2018-660 - Declaration of Special Economic Zones and Licensing of Investors in terms of Special Economic Zones Act

Declaration of Special Economic Zones
IT is hereby notified that, in terms of section 20 of the Special Economic Zones Act [Chapter 14:34], the Zimbabwe Special Economic Zones Authority, has declared the areas specified in the Schedule to be Special Economic Zones.
Further in terms of section 26(1) the Authority hereby licenses the investors

GN 2018 - 370B - ZEC Notice fixing 29th May 2018 as the Date on which the New BVR Voters Roll Became the Definitive Voters Roll

Section 36A(2)(a) of the Electoral Act provides that when a new voters roll is produced after the conclusion of a new registration of voters, the new roll will, with effect from such date as the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission [ZEC] must fix by notice in the Gazette, be the definitive voters roll on the basis of which the continuous registration of voters in terms of section 17A shall be conducted.

A new registration of voters was ordered by SI 109/2017 and launched on 14th September 2017.

GN 2018 - 431 Designation of Trial Magistrates for Politically Motivated Violence and Intimidation Cases

IT is hereby notified that the Judicial Service Commission has, in terms of section 133J(3) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], designated the magistrates listed in the Schedule below to try cases of politically motivated violence and intimidation in the provinces under which their names appear before, during and after the harmonised elections for President, Members of the National Assembly and Councillors scheduled to take place on Monday 30th July, 2018.


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