General Notices

GN 2022-0417 Appointment of Judges of the High Court to be Judges of the Electoral Court Division of the High Court

IT is hereby notified that the Chief Justice has, in terms of section 162(1) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission and the Judge President of the High Court, appointed the Judges of the High Court listed in the Schedule below to be Judges of the Electoral Court Division of the High Court for the period 1st of March, 2022 to 30th of August, 2022.

GN 2022-0416 Designation of Trial Magistrates for Politically Motivated Violence and Intimidation Cases

IT is hereby declared that the Judicial Service Commission, in terms of section 133J of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], has designated the magistrates listed in the Schedule below to try cases of politically motivated violence and intimidation in the provinces under which their names appear before, during and after the National Assembly by- elections scheduled to take place on Saturday, 26th March, 2022.

GN 2022-0324 Appointment of Member of the National Assembly

IT is hereby notified to the public, in terms of section 39(7)(a) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], that Moreblessing Tembo, a registered voter of House Number 7926/16, Sizinda, Ward 21, Bulawayo Municipality, who was nominated by the Movement for Democratic Change Tsvangirai (MDC-T) party to fill the vacancy in the National Assembly that occurred following the appointment as ambassador of Priscilla Misihairambwi, has been appointed as a Member of the National Assembly with effe

GN 2022-0323 Appointment of Senator

IT is hereby notified to the public, in terms of section 39(7)(a) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], that Nicholas Nkomo, a registered voter in Zamadube Village, Headman Namate, Chief Bidi, Ward 9 of Matobo Rural District Council, who was nominated by the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front ZANU (PF) party to fill the vacancy in the Senate that occurred following the death of Simon Khay

GN 2022-0270 Request for Expression of Interest for the Provision of Consultancy Services

ZimTrade is the country’s national trade development and promotion organisation. The mandate of ZimTrade is to energise Zimbabwe’s export growth. In pursuit of this objective, ZimTrade works with existing and potential exporters, including women and youth enterprises, to build their operational capacity and improve the competitiveness of their products on the export market.

GN 2022-0268 Addresses of Constituency Elections Officers

IT is hereby notified that the Chief Elections Officer has, in terms of the section 4 of the Electoral Regulations, 2005, published in Statutory Instrument 21 of 2005, appointed the persons specified in the first column of the Schedule to be constituency elections officers in the constituencies specified in the second column of that Schedule at the addresses specified in the third column thereto.

GN 2022-229A National Assembly By-elections 26 March 2022: Names of Nominated Candidates

IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 48 of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], that at the close of the sitting of the Nomination Courts which sat on Wednesday, 26th January, 2022 and Friday 28th January, 2022, the candidates listed in the Schedule were duly nominated for election as members of the National Assembly in their respective constituencies.

GN 2022-071A Public Private Partnership agreement between the Republic of Zimbabwe and Daedulus World Limited

IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 46 of the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Act [Chapter 14:38], that on the 17th of October, 2021, the Republic of Zimbabwe entered into a public-private partnership agreement with Daedalus World Limited of Tortola, British Virgin Islands, in terms of which Daedalus World Limited will assist the Republic of Zimbabwe by providing a revenue collection service through taxing qualifying companies that provide digital advertising, conten


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