
SI 2020-290 Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Water Levy) (Amendment) Notice, 2020 (No. 6)

THE Minister of Lands, Water and Rural Resettlement has, in terms of section 41 of the Zimbabwe National Water Authority Act [Chapter 20:25], and after consultation with the Board of the Zimbabwe National Water Authority and with the approval of the Minister responsible for fi nance, made the following regulations:—
1. These regulations may be cited as the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Water Levy) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (No.

SI 2020-289 Water (Permit) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (No. 7)

IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement, after consultation with the Zimbabwe National Water Authority, has, in terms of section 119 of the Water Act [Chapter 20:24], made the following regulations:—
1. These regulations may be cited as the Water (Permit) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (No. 7).

SI 2020-052 Water (Permits) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (No. 6)

IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement, after consultation with the Zimbabwe National Water Authority has, in terms of section 119 of the Water Act [Chapter 20:24], made the following regulations:—
1. These regulations may be cited as the Water (Permits) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (No. 6).
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