
GN 2017 - 456 Notice Expropriating Land for Public Purposes

CONSTITUTION OF ZIMBABWE ----------- Notice of Acquisition of Agricultural Land under Section 72(2) of the Constitution ----------- It is hereby notified that the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement acquires for and behalf of the State, the land identified and described in the Schedule for public purpose under section 72(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Further take notice that the ownership of the acquired land with full title therein vested in the State is with effect from the date of publication of this notice in the Gazette. HON. D.T. MOMBESHORA, Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement. 4-8-2-17.

GN 2015 - 247 General Principles by Which the NPA Decides Whether & How to Institute & Conduct Criminal Proceedings

These General Principles were replaced by new Prosecutorial Guidelines
published in General Notice 2759 of 2021 in the Government Gazette 
on 24th September 2021 [also available on this website]


Publication of General Principles Pursuant to Section 260(2) of the Constitution by the Prosecutor-General.


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