SI 2016-111 Legal Practitioners(Designated Legal Qualifications) Notice 2016

Statutory Instrument 111 of 2016.
[CAP. 27:07
Legal Practitioners (Designated Legal Qualifications) Notice, 2016

THE Council for Legal Education, in terms of section 6(1) of the Legal Practitioners (Council for Legal Education) Rules, 1992, hereby makes the following notice:-

1 This notice may be cited as the Legal Practitioners (Designated Legal Qualifications) Notice, 2016.

2 The degrees specified in the Schedule are declared to be designated legal qualifications for the purposes of the Legal Practitioners (Council for Legal Education) Rules, 1992, published in Statutory Instrument 447 of 1992.

3 The Legal Practitioners (Designated Legal Qualifications) Notice, 2007, published in Statutory Instrument 30C of 2007, is repealed.


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